Sunday, February 15, 2015

Diets vs. Lifestyles — My journey to healthy happiness

If you are anything like me, you have probably tried a number of different diets but found no true answer. As a matter of fact I have tried almost every diet I have found on the market (except for the paleo diet), and managed to shed pounds and feel revitalized for the length of my disciplined regime. The problem is non of these created lasting habits, and that’s where I’m at right now, questioning whether I want a new diet or a new lifestyle. 

I figured this is not a new concept, as nowadays more and more people go to life coaches who teach you anything from meditation, to eating and sleeping habits, self-confidence and a number of other seemingly unrelated things that affect your everything. But I decided I had to get myself to write in order to share my train of thought, and my experience that hopefully will help others put a face on these issues. 

So as I said, I have managed to loose up to 50 pounds with multiple diets, the best one was with a low-carb and well-balanced diet I got from a nutritionist, and I stuck to it, worked out and felt absolutely amazing. I managed to keep up with my social life by changing some habits, but the difference is that back then I lived at home with my mother who would cook and help me plan meals, and now I live by myself and have to create a mental and health routine alone. 

I have been trying anything from Atkins, to juice fasting every three weeks, to working out compulsively and counting calories, but all of these options have just proved to be unsustainable without a right mindset and routine to support its results in the long run. While doing these I was just focused on loosing weight fast, without any plans for maintaining the results of my hard work afterwards. So as it has happened to many other I started having health problems and that was the only way I reacted. 

I was 180 pounds and was advised to loose 40 pounds ASAP in order to help regulate my hormones which I did. However I recently learned that my liver and gallbladder were suffering from all the unbalanced low-carb diets; and that’s when I decided I needed to start becoming more aware of what my body needs in the long-run, besides just loosing weight. I had been toying with the idea of practicing yoga daily, I have been practicing Buddhist meditation on a regular basis for the last couple of years, and I love cooking and making everything from scratch, so now my goal is to mindfully combine all of these things to create the lifestyle I should have had for a long time. 
So to make things clear, I am planning to “diet” for a month, for my doctor wants me to detox my liver and gallbladder and kickstart the remainder of my weight-loss. But as I do this I want to make sure I tackle some of the issues that have resulted in the failure of my last attempts to create long lasting habits and results for after I am done “dieting”.  
  1. Food gets boring! 
  2. The routines I set are too much to handle realistically. 
  3. I don’t exercise for health, but weight-loss. 
  4. I forget the importance of a clear, happy and focused mind.
And I’m sure I’ll think of many more as this adventures begins. But here are my strategies, that I hope will help others.
For food getting boring
I decided to make a list of my cravings, and my favorite seasonings and spices. Most of what I crave are carbs, and sugar. So I made sure I found a number of alternatives. For example I found a number of cabbage recipes with sesame oil and cumin, which happen to be flavors I die for (I’ll share my versions next). I am planning on eating this (and other options) instead of huge bowls of rice or potatoes at lunch, as cabbage gives one the feeling of being full and provides healthy carbs. However I must say, it is the spice that makes this a good and interesting option.
I also found while Pinterest-ing recipes for cauliflower tortillas, among other crazy amazing recipes. I then made sure my fridge and pantry is full of everything I need to easily cook these things. But the most important thing is I’m not going to completely eliminate the real thing, I will just make it a priority to look for the alternative on a regular basis. 
And I will proactively look for new recipes, and fun kitchen adventures. This keep me on the right mindset, and it’s not something completely new I’m trying to incorportate to my life, for I’ve been doing this for a couple of years. Rather than a torture, it becomes an interesting and fun task to fulfill. 

Unrealistic routines 
I remember jumpstarting weight-loss regimes by working out every day for a week and then being unable to find time and motivation afterwards. So one of the ways I’ve started to tackle this was by starting 30 day challenges, in which I would make sure to do something at least 5 minutes a day. So I did this with meditation, until I was able to establish a habit. I slowly made it to 1–2 hours of meditation and now started working on making yoga and jogging part of my routine. I found that finding other people to practice with definitely helps, and you are never alone in wanting to be healthy and happy. 

I bought an amazing and simple workout app called Fitness for Women which has 10–30 minute workout routines one can do at home without any equipment. I figured it’s not the cardio I need, but it definitely helps me get out my lazy routine. And because I love yoga so much, but not always have the possibility of going to a studio I found some amazing online videos to do at home from my favorite yoga studio: Your Yoga in Minneapolis. I also made it a thing, to bike everywhere I can and hope to swim once I have a more established routine. I don’t want to add all of these new wonderful things at once, because I know I won’t stick to them if I do.

And part of this new routine has to do with cooking and fixing meals. I learned to enjoy grocery shopping, but also spending time looking at new recipes. I have to plan ahead to not only have the ingredients ready, but also to have certain quick bites and meals prepared so I don’t end up desperately succumbing to a fast food crave. I can’t tell you how important this is! I have failed to stick to a diet so many times due to not finding what I need or not having something simple ready right away. 

Exercising for health instead of weight-loss 
Most of the times I have started to work out regularly, I have done so in order to jumpstart a weight-loss routine. So as soon as I reach a goal or get “busy”, I stop doing it and then feel exponentially embarrassed about it. But now that my allergies, my asthma and everything have been quite accute I was reminded by doctors and therapists that I have to work out! And never have I been so healthy, as I was when I used to swim and jog on a regular basis! So knowing this, my goal as I mentioned above is to slowly add these things to my routine. 

Last year I had a good semester, in which I was swimming 3–4 times a week, spinning 2–3 times a week, doing yoga at least twice a week and biking everywhere. This only stopped when my college life got busy and I failed to adapt to my new schedule. So now I’m trying to make these workout be just as essential as brushing my teeth or sitting down for meditation, especially now that I have a little more time to dedicate to this. 

Forgetting the importance of a clear, happy and focused mind
For a number of years I linked my happiness to the way people saw me and ultimately how I saw myself. I wasn’t happy at all with my weight, my career, my lovelife, or pretty much anything. With this state of mind everything was a vicious cycle, and everything was terrible. It took me sometime to surround myself with amazing and inspiring friends to start seeing I was in the wrong place mentally, but as soon as I did I started dedicating more time to myself and caring for my health and happiness. 
I began to meditate, and eat healthier, work out and I also decided to go to counseling. With all of these things I started to like myself more, and by doing this, taking care of myself becomes the only logical way of proceeding. Right? So that’s where I’m at. My next step is mindfully and hollistically taking care of myself. 

I will be sharing some of my recipes, stories, and experiences, and feel free to ask me questions. 

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Hamburguesas de pavo con un toque Thai

Esta es una de mis recetas favoritas por muchas razones. Por supuesto la principal es que sabe delicioso, pero además la carne de pavo es una opción sana y con mucho potencial de sabor. Es una de las recetas que tengo que hacer bien seguido desde que encontré una receta que adapte yo misma. 

Duración: 30 minutos

2 libras de carne de pavo molida 
1 cebolla cabezona 
4 dientes de ajo 
Jengibre (un pedazo de dos centímetros)
1/4 de taza de salsa soya 
Medio manojo de cilantro

Primero se pica la cebolla y se fríe durante unos cinco minutos hasta que suelte el aroma, y luego se agrega el ajo picado y se dejan durante dos minutos. Luego se deja enfriar.

Mientras se preparan la cebolla y el ajo, se mezclan la carne de pavo con el jengibre rayado o picado bien fino, la salsa de soya y el cilantro. Luego se agregan las cebollas y el ajo y mezcle todo. 

Después con las manos se arman las hamburguesas y se fríen. Aproximadamente cinco minutos de cada lado a fuego medio. 

A mi me encanta comer esto con una ensalada de Quiroa, una ensalada de espinaca o un poco de arroz, no necesariamente el pan que no le agrega ningún sabor. Además que la soya le da un sabor delicioso que rompe las expectativas que tenemos de una hamburguesa. :)

Monday, September 2, 2013

Penne con coliflor y calabaza

Creo que encontré mi receta preferida de pasta hasta el momento. Tiene mis nuevos requisitos:
1. tiene pasta 2. bajo en calorías 3. nutritivo 4. bueno, bonito y barato. Me inspiré en una receta que vi en la edición Sept-Oct de la revista EatingWell pero le cambié un poco de acuerdo a lo que me gusta y tenía a mano. Así que se las recomiendo y espero que les guste.

Estas medidas hacen 4 porciones de aproximadamente 330 calorías para los interesados. ;)

1 cucharada de aceite vegetal
3 dientes de ajo picados
1/2 cucharada de oregano
1/3 cucharada de albahaca
1/4 cucharada de pimienta roja
4 tazas de caldo (vegetariano o de pollo)
3 tazas de penne crudo
2 tazas de arbolitos de coliflor
2 tazas de calabaza (butternut squash)
Pimienta negra al gusto
Queso parmesano al gusto

Calentar el aceite a fuego medio en una sartén y agregar el ajo, el oregano y la albahaca para que suelten sabor por un minuto. Luego agregar el caldo, el penne, la coliflor y calabaza. Cuando comience a hervir bajar la temperatura para que se cocine lentamente por 10-15 minutos hasta que la pasta este cocida y el caldo este más espeso. Luego quitar de la estufa y agregar pimienta al gusto y sirvalo con queso parmesano.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Sopa de tortilla fusión

Llamé a esta sopa de tortilla "fusión" porque cuando la hice por primera vez para mis amigos me dijeron que tenía un sabor muy colombiano, pero a la vez ingredientes y sabores mexicanos. No se exactamente que será, pero les doy la receta tal y como la hago yo.

1 cebolla 
2 tomates
3-4 dientes de ajo
1 jalapeño
4 tortillas de maiz integral
1-2 cubos de caldo de verduras ó pollo (también puede hacerlo de cero)
(opcional) una pechuga de pollo

Para servir (al gusto)
queso fresco en trocitos
cilantro picado
aguacate en trocitos

Por un lado ponga a 4 tazas de agua y prepare un caldo de vegetales ó prepare el caldo de pollo. Si va a usar pollo dejelo hervir hasta que se cocine y luego saquelo y desmenuselo y guarde el agua para el caldo.  Ponga el pollo desmenusado al lado para que la gente se sirva.

Por otro lado caliente una sarten con aceite vegetal y ponga a fritar las tortillas hasta que queden doraditas ó al punto que le guste. El chiste es que queden un poco crujientes para que cuando se mojen no se inflen ó se deshagan.

Se pica la cebolla y el ajo en trocitos chiquitos y se ponen en una sarten honda a freir hasta que empiecen a dorar, luego se le echa el jalapeño picado para que suelte un poco el sabor y luego los tomates. Se deja al fuego unos dos minutos revolviendólo y luego se le echa el caldo que se preparo antes. Deje esta mezca hervir unos minutos ya ya esta listo para servir!

Las tortillas se las puedes echar justo antes de servirlo en platos individuales o dejar que cada quien le eche asi no se aguadan tanto.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Tofu con sazón

Tuve que ser vegetariana por seis meses para aprender a siquiera poder comer tofu, pero me termino gustando. Lo que sí es que tiene que tener alguna textura ó algun sabor por lo que he estado experimentando con distintos métodos y hierbas. Porque comer Tofu asi no más me sabe como a papel mayordomo mojado, por más que sepa que es bastante saludable. Asi que a ver si les parece mi receta. Me comentan.

Porciones: 4-6

1 caja de tofu firme, duro o como le llamen en dónde lo consigue
1 chile pimiento
1 cebolla, mejor si es morada
1 manojo de cebollines picados
4 dientes de ajo
2 cucharadas de Sriracha sauce, ó alguna salsa picante roja como substituto
5 cucharadas de salsa soya
1 cucharada de pimienta negra al gusto 
Pimienta roja al gusto


Freir el tofu en aceite vegetal por unos minutos hasta que comience a dorarse y mientras tanto pique la cebolla, el chile pimiento, los cebollines y el ajo. Al dorarse un poco el tofu agregue la mezcla ya picada y agreguele pimienta negra al gusto, al igual que la pimienta roja con mucho cuidado para que quede comestible!

Fria por un par de minutos y luego agrege la salsa soya, la salsa picante y puede probar a ver si quiere agregar más pimienta negra. Va a quedar delicioso y esto le queda perfecto con un arroz blanco basmati o jazmin que absorba el sabor. Es súper fácil y rápido de hacer y le da las proteinas necesarias para una comida.

Publicaré más variaciones de esta receta para quienes no sean fans de la comida picante.

Super couscous

Esta es la receta perfecta para quedar bien a último momento. Siempre he sido una fanática del couscous, pero termino con cargo de conciencia sino lo mezclo con algo nutritivo y le doy algún sabor extra. La receta que les voy a dar es la que he hecho yo con más regularidad, pero es el tipo de plato en el que pueden meterle cualquier ingrediente que tengan a la mano, casi como un risotto pero más rápido.

2 tazas de couscous cocinado (aprox 1 taza cruda depende del tipo de couscous)
2-3 dientes de ajo
1 manojo de cebollines picados
1/4 de cebolla picada
1 taza de tomates cerezos
1 manojo de albahaca fresca
1 pizca de pimienta negra
1/4 de taza de queso mozzarella 
1/4 de taza de queso parmesano
2 huevos
(opcional) una salchicha u otra carne que quiera agregar


Prenda el horno a 350 grados.

Si va a usar una taza de couscous hierva una taza de agua con el ajo picado. Al hervir el agua agregue el couscous y quitelo de la hornilla o del fuego y dejelo reposar por cinco minutos, luego mueva el couscous para asegurarse que este cocinado.

Mientras prepara el couscous pique la cebolla, los cebollines, la albahaca fresca y los dientes de ajo. Luego en el pyrex mezcle todo esto con el couscous, los tomates, (la carne si quiere con carne) agregue la pimienta negra, rompa dos huevos y siga revolviendo para que se esparzan por toda la mezcla. Luego reparta el queso parmesano en la superficie y meta en el horno por unos 30-35 minutos o hasta que se empiece a dorar y el huevo este cocinado.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Por la buena comida...

Hoy quiero empezar este blog porque últimamente he tenido más y más tiempo para cocinar y experimentar con mis recetas y las recetas de otras personas. He comido muy bien y quiero compartir la buena cocina con todas las personas que quieran leer el blog y tomar el riesgo.

Today I want to start this blog because I've been able to cook and experiment with my own recipes and other people's lately. I've been eating amazing food and I want to share great cuisine with whoever wants to read my blog and take the risk.